April 4, 2013

Ryder returns home

New Zealand cricketer Jesse Ryder has been released from a Christchurch hospital and returned to his home in Wellington after spending almost a week recovering from serious head injuries, local media reported on Wednesday.
Ryder, 28, was taken to hospital early last
Thursday after two
altercations outside a bar and fast food restaurant in Merivale, a suburb of Christchurch.
Two men have been charged with assault and are scheduled to appear in court on Thursday.
‘He was thrilled to be back home, he just couldn’t wait. It’s been a hard week so he just wanted to get home,’ the New Zealand Herald quoted Ryder’s manager Aaron Klee as saying.
‘He’s been doing well over the last couple of days so just needed to complete all the testing they wanted to do in hospital and then they were happy to let him go home.


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